Connecting, via USB, to a Vista T2 or T4, the E2 extends your console, providing either another two playback panels or one playback and one programming panel along with four additional DMX outputs.
A Type - Playback only
20 Playbacks with faders and flash buttons
Playbacks feature; Blue / White LCD, Select and Go buttons
Split mode allows control of up to 60 Clips
Playbacks can be configured for control of Groups, Presets and more
Page Up / Down buttons
Outputs & Connections
4 DMX outputs
3 USB2 connectors
Linear Time code input
MIDI in/thru/out
2 Desk lamp outlets
B Type - Playback and Programming controls
15 Playbacks, 10 with faders and flash buttons, 5 without
Playbacks feature; Blue / White LCD, Select and Go buttons
Split mode allows control of up to 40 Clips
Playbacks can be configured for control of Groups, Presets and more
Page Up / Down buttons
Super Playback Controls
Playback with 2 faders and buttons
Go, Pause, Back, Skip Forward, Skip Reverse, Skip to Start, Skip to End buttons
Utilises LCD and Encoder wheels for display and real time control of playback and other advanced functions.
Programming Controls
3 Encoder Wheels with associated Blue / White LCD
Next / Previous buttons
12 context sensitive function buttons
Outputs & Connections
4 DMX outputs
3 USB2 connectors
Linear Time code input
MIDI in/thru/out
2 Desk lamp outlets
Dimensions (mm) 441(W) 638(D) 218(H)